Saturday, 9 December 2017

Is Silence Really Silent?

Yesterday, I had a tough schedule. I was awake till three in the morning. My phone wasn't busy rather my mind was busy working on physics. It was all going fine as I could concentrate much more due to the silence around.

And that's when my mind yelled at me, "Excuse me, silence?". I was a bit confused but when I closed my books and spared a few minutes to observe anything and everything I could hear, I realised that silence didn't seem to be silent anymore. The tick tock of the hands of the clock, according to me was the main culprit who was disobeying the phrase 'pin drop silence' at three in the morning. Complementing its efforts beautifully was a bunch of people who were busy talking on the road outside.

That's when a thought struck me. Time is so powerful and unstoppable. But what's more powerful than time is 'silence' or the 'imperfect silence' because be it whatever time in our life or in day silence never seems to be silent. It always emerges victorious against time be it in the form of tick tock of the hands of a clock or the struggle of a million thoughts in our mind.

Hence, we bending before time is totally fair because even time bends before us. After all, it's we humans only who indirectly break the silence. We are the ones who whisper among our colleagues and friends and break the silence of a seemingly silent room.

~ Muskaan Arora

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

A Life - Full Of Colours

A life - full of colours; Does it mean that we are playing Holi every other day? Does it mean that we have painted our homes in beautiful, bright colours? No, ofcourse not.

Life is not about the festivals we celebrate. Life is not limited to our homes. Life is how we bring value to ourselves and others. Life is not about the colours we play with on festivals rather it's about the colours we spread in other lives wherever we go.

Spreading colours around us is not a difficult task. It's very easy. Sharing food with colleagues or friends; offering someone a seat; addressing a stranger as 'sir'; having a conversation with elders in your family just to make them feel that 'they are important'; making certain people realise their value in your life; Such little gestures can spread a new colour in anyone's life.

The day we realise that our true happiness doesn't lie in our materialistic desires that we crave for rather it lies in others happiness, we will definitely put our best foot forward to make people smile, to make them realise their value in our lives. It's not really difficult to care for people, to express our love for them. What we need is to be patient and give it a thought before we be harsh to someone, then we will be able to spread colours in several lives.

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

She Is My Mother..!!

It was a tiring day,
Winds were blowing and flowers did sway.
But it was only me who craved,
For a person who could wipe out my tiredness-
Come what may..!!

Soon, I entered my house-
And stopped mid way,
A single glance at her beautiful face made me forget all the troubles of that day,
Because she is my mother-
That's all I can proudly say..!!

Sunday, 8 October 2017

Friends Are An Integral Part Of Life

I owe my life undoubtedly to my mother. I owe the luxuries of my life undoubtedly to my father. But other than my family, my teachers and God, the credit of shaping my life beautifully also goes to another group of people who are my friends.

It's very easy to say, "Friends are an integral part of life" but my friends have proven it. From little memories to huge transformations, they have always been in the lime light. Trying different things; be it bunking classes or munching stuff during classes, they have always supported me in each of my ventures. They have changed the 'high school definition' of a back bencher which I used to abide by. Today when I see a group of students sitting at the back of a class, my mind tells me they might be really close friends. One of them might be teaching a difficult topic to the others.

I am grateful to have lived innumerable happy moments with my friends and yes, I continue to live them today. Such are these precious gifts from God who simply leave an everlasting impact in your lives. A name written on the shore will wash away due to a single high tide but the memories of such wonderful people in my life becomes more significant when I face problems. So beautiful and memorable has been this journey, that even today when I comment "Oh..!! Life is tough", my mind tells me to stop complaining and think about the good friends I possess.

Now and then, I tend to relate everything to the moments I have lived. Looking at the chat corner, I remember that's where a Pani Puri was once being stuffed into my mouth. When I sit back peacefully to have my lunch, my heart giggles "When was the last time you had your food peacefully without sharing it with anybody?". When I deboard at the metro station, I get that strange feeling of things being really familiar. That's how friends are..!! They find a place at every nook and corner in your life. Time will fly away. But memories will never leave you. Each place where you used to hang out will make you remember of the crazy things you used to do together; be it teasing someone or laughing wholeheartedly over something silly.

One very important transformation in my life that I have been going through these days is that I have improved my handwriting. I have been working on it; making neat and tidy notes, marking the important points clearly has been my daily routine for many days now. Even if I am restless during my lectures, I put in an extra effort to make really good notes. So ultimately, that's how friends influence. You may take the comments they make on you very lightly but when time makes you part ways, you start to value them and their comments so much so that you change your ways.

Friday, 15 September 2017

मेरी मां, मेरा जहान

पूरी ज़िंदगी नादान रही मैं,
इस बात से अनजान रही मैं,
जन्नत को ढूंढती रही यहाँ वहाँ-
पर अपनी माँ को सताकर,
सूना कर दिया मैंने अपना ही जहान।
जिंदगी खत्म होने पर,
जब खु़दा ने मुझे बुलाया-
तब मुझे समझ आया,
कि मेरा खुशियों का जहान,
तो था मेरी माँ के कदमों में ही समाया।
~ Muskaan Arora 


अपने सपनों की उड़ान भरने के लिए,
प्रोत्साहन देती है मां।
घर में कदम रखते ही चेहरा देखकर थकान का अंदाज़ा जो लगा ले,
बिल्कुल ऐसी होती है मां।

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

A Day Will Come.

A day will come,
When I will lock myself ,
In a dark room.
I ll cry and cry,
Till my heart gets tired of weeping,
Or my tears get tired of drying.
That moment will come,
When my veins will grow numb,
My face will be tired of smiling,
Those saturated smiles.
Saturated because of tears hidden behind them,
Those smiles will be no more,
Which have been encouraging people,
To walk miles many more.
The day those smiles will burst out,
I know many people around will doubt-
My sweet smiling face,
That used to be.
Was it a fake one,
Or was I really carefree?
But don't worry,
I ll convince myself;
People doubt,
It's their habit,
Then they come to a conclusion,
And take all the credit.
Credit for what?
For making a beautiful heart hurt,
For making tears roll down,
Those innocent eyes,
For showing their maturity by hurting someone,
Just because they are a bit more practical and wise.
Is this the life?
Yes it is.
But is this a way of living?
In which people focus on hurting others,
Taking pleasures,
And have forgotten that-
Life is about taking and giving.
History repeats itself;
What people do now,
It will come to them some day,
And they will face it themselves,
This circle will start again.
A day will come,
When someone will get locked,
In a dark room.
That day those smiles will burst out,
And many people around will definitely doubt.
People will repent for their own sin,
After all it's a circle they are caught in.

What Angels Told Her?

Waiting for him,
In the darkness,
Lying on the bed,
"She is sinking"
The doctor said.
Inside the room,
ECG was falling.
Outside the room,
Tears were falling.
Doctors lost hope-
"She is not reviving"
Meant there was no scope.
Once life laughed on her,
Today her heart was crying.
Covered with a white cloth,
There, she was lying.
Angels above were overwhelmed,
They came to take her soul away.
She yelled-
"I am waiting for him and will wait come what may".
Angels explained-
"You are precious dear,
You are not made for the one,
Who doesn't care.
God made you-
God is your father.
He has been watching your tears,
Night and day.
After all what's your mistake?
If that person took your smiles away.
But God can't see his daughter,
Crying all day".
Grabbing her hand'
Angels told her-
"Come, God is calling,
Today is your Doom's Day".

Real Beauty Lies In You

God owns many different creations,
Beauty has different definitions.

Beauty is not superficial,
It is not physical,
It is not ephemeral,
It is eternal.

How beautiful is the sky in blue?
How beautiful are those drops of dew?
But let me tell you-
That real beauty lies in you.

It lies in the way,
You behave with people,
Come what may..!!

Whenever I see you smile,
I feel as if the world,
Comes to a rest.
And my heart whispers to me-
'Let me tell you a secret
Your chachi is the best example,
Of simplicity at its best.'

                                                 ~For Chachi~

Hearts Need To Be Understood

People care,
Not because you are the only one who deserves it,
Rather you need it.
People are sweet,
Not only for you,
But because it defines them,
It's not exclusive for you.
People have a big heart,
Not to fill it up unnecessarily-
Rather to care for people,
Who are cared for rarely.
People are not all the same;
They are different from head to toe,
Including their name.
Each one deserves a different treatment,
Your opinions need an amendment.
A person may be bad or good,
But hearts own a different definition,
They always contain a soft corner,
So each heart truly,
Deserves to be understood.

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Food For Thought

~ Search for the gold will never end if you don't know how to open the door that leads to the mine.

~ Spotless white doesn't attract the world. However, a single black dot takes over the limelight.

~ The movement of the needles in the clock cannot be observed distinctly. But the difference in time depicts their journey.
Take small steps towards success, time will make it large.

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Random Thoughts

~ Food is the best companion. People can hurt, food only heals.

~ Success is what the world sees, there is more to it.

~ Life without colours is black and white but silver goes the best with black.

~ We don't value people. We value distance.

~Reunions unfold wonderful memories when people go effortless with each other.

Acrostic Poem-- FRIENDS

F-- Fabulous creatures
R-- Respect your opinion
I-- Inspire you always
E-- Easygoing people
N-- No serious troubles for you from now
D--Develop a deep understanding with   you
S-- Specialise in dealing with your problems

A Letter

To all brothers,

I know that a man plays many roles in his life. He is a son, a brother, a friend, a husband, a father and many more. My letter is addressed to the brother in all the men. What I want to say to you people is 'be a brother'. Be a hero for your sister irrespective of she's a real sister or cousin. She must cherish each and every moment with you and remember it life long; be a simple hand shake or a heart to heart discussion. Your sister must have felt the love and care of many people in her life. Try to top the list of all the people who love her. When you are with her, please make her feel that she is absolutely safe and free of all her worries. This feeling can make her day. Accept your sister as she is. Guide her through the thick and thins of her life. Please take care of her forever. You may win or lose in your life but if you become a good brother to your sister, you will definitely win as a brother in your life. So,

A sister

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Is Your Ego More Important Than Your Family?

The word 'ego' has different meanings for different people. For me, ego is a personality trait which is variable in everyone. Beginning from a 6 years old child to 70 years old adult, everyone has ego. Some inherit ego from their predecessors. Some acquire ego as they go ahead in life and as they face certain circumstances. Similarly, in some people ego evolves to become larger and larger as they approach 60-70 years of their age.

My question 'Is Your Ego More Important Than Your Family?' is to such people who have successfully completed 70 years of their life. Hence, their experience and their ego has increased manifold with their age. It's not the mistake of these people rather it's the ego working in their heart growing bigger and bigger day by day. Today, their ego has covered their eyes like a large cloud blurring the sight of a beautiful world they have around them. All their relationships, their dreams, their happiness have been dissolved in their ego. The greed for more and more to satisfy their ever growing ego has left them with no time to nurture their relationships with love and care.

Such people need to understand that satisfying their ego, their needs is not the end of the world. Even at the age of 70, they have responsibilities towards the family they have brought up. They cannot leave everything else behind just to satisfy their ego. They have to make efforts to keep their ego away from their relations, their family.

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Can Free Times Be Boring ??

When we are busy, we crave for free times. We think if we would be free; we will party, we will travel, we will pursue our hobby, we will watch movies and all kind of such pleasant fantasies fill up our mind. That's because when we are busy our heart and mind are not at peace, they are constantly working. They need a break so it creates such plans automatically.

But when we are actually free, we don't feel the need to do anything. Why? Now, this is because when we were busy our mind was tired of work. Since its free now it wants to rest in the way a normal person would want. It doesn't want to travel, doesn't want to party, doesn't want to pursue any type of activity etc. In other words, it doesn't want to do any kind of work. Now, it only wants to relax and rest.

Here comes a conflict between the heart and the mind. The heart wants to do everything it couldn't when the mind was busy. It wants to fulfill each of its wish. But mind was busy earlier and therefore, it's tired now. The conclusion is that at most of the times mind wins this conflict because being tired of working itself, our body supports our mind.

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

The Journey Of Thoughts

The mind finally paved the way for its thoughts
The heart opened its gate for the emotions to flow
Because it came to know
That it was the right time
For the thoughts to align
In an order
And cross the borderline

So they were free
To move with joy and glee
To cover as many directions as they could
To move in circles and explore the woods
They were free
To capture more and more things
To spread out their wings

Soon they would have to come back all over
They will once again stack in an order
To create something beautiful altogether

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Acrostic Poem-- MASI

M-- Mother in disguise
A-- Always stands beside you
S-- Specialises in dealing with all your       problems
I-- Imbibes happiness in your heart

Acrostic Poem-- BROTHER

B-- Buys you bags of happiness
R-- Reliable
O-- Optimistic
T-- Thoughtful
H-- Helpful in any situation
E-- Excellent aura
R-- Respectful

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Our Beliefs

An eye lash which falls from our eye symbolises our hope that maybe one of our wishes, our dreams will now be fulfilled.

But do such things really happen?
Can our wishes be fulfilled in such a way?

The answer to such questions is simply a word 'belief'. If we believe that our wishes will be fulfilled in this way, they will get fulfilled. When we believe in something our mind and heart always follows that path of our belief, our faith. In any situation, it will take a course which will make us feel that our wishes our getting fulfilled.

Same happens in the opposite case. If we don't believe that our wishes will be granted in such a way, they will be not.

At the end it all comes to you. It all comes to your belief. Infact I would say it all started from you. Different ways of making wishes are created by humans.
Be it making a wish and blowing the eye lash away or making a wish in front of a shooting star ( technically speaking its the visible path of a meteoroid entering the earth surface and getting converted to a meteor). So, our beliefs begin at us and end at us.

Sunday, 19 February 2017

The Most Pious Form Of Love

It had been almost a year
We had met
Now again to go back
He was all set

That's when he held my arms
And kissed me on my forehead
It symbolised his love, care and affection
That was all unsaid

My eyes twinkled
When he told me
All the best dear
Work hard for what you want to be

That moist imprint on my forehead
Made me understand
That we are together
So distances will never matter

This was the most pious form of love
As it was love between a sister and her brother