When we are busy, we crave for free times. We think if we would be free; we will party, we will travel, we will pursue our hobby, we will watch movies and all kind of such pleasant fantasies fill up our mind. That's because when we are busy our heart and mind are not at peace, they are constantly working. They need a break so it creates such plans automatically.
But when we are actually free, we don't feel the need to do anything. Why? Now, this is because when we were busy our mind was tired of work. Since its free now it wants to rest in the way a normal person would want. It doesn't want to travel, doesn't want to party, doesn't want to pursue any type of activity etc. In other words, it doesn't want to do any kind of work. Now, it only wants to relax and rest.
Here comes a conflict between the heart and the mind. The heart wants to do everything it couldn't when the mind was busy. It wants to fulfill each of its wish. But mind was busy earlier and therefore, it's tired now. The conclusion is that at most of the times mind wins this conflict because being tired of working itself, our body supports our mind.