Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Do Problems Weigh More Than Your Beautiful Life?

Life is full of ups and downs. It poses little more problems when a particular life belongs to girl than that which belongs to a boy. I being a girl myself can say this with confidence. I have many friends who are girls and I have learnt from their experiences that life has many times been difficult for them. Girls, almost all are someone whom God has given not that much strength to tackle with daily problems or may be sometimes tortures that they face. Some problems can be shared but some are not meant to be shared. To tackle these problems and mental tortures God gives people something called “strength”. But what will those girls do who have been given less strength or may be who are more sensitive or who can’t tolerate large shocks and so just break down? Real life proofs convey that for most people of this kind (in particular girls) the simple answer to this question is “suicide”. People seeing this normally say, “didn’t she once think about her family?”, “didn’t she have any respect for those who loved and respected her?”, “why couldn’t she share her worries with someone”, “what was the need to commit suicide?” Questions are many but alas, there are no answers. Most of the people making above statements normally don’t understand a girl’s mind. They don’t understand that some girls are sensitive. Some parents don’t think twice before blaming their girls when they tell their parents that they had been tortured (it may be physically, mentally or emotionally). It’s a proven fact that most girls normally lost love and support of their parents after facing such traumas which at that time they require the most. Parents are known to be someone whom God has made to provide a backbone to his children. So, when parents themselves fail to fulfil their responsibility. In other words, when the backbone of a child breaks and a child is all alone in the dark room with no strength left. Just and just tears falling out of the eyes. When dark clouds cover the eyes, no path is there, no light gives way. Then God above us feels that now is the time to wipe out his child’s tears to heartily welcome his child in his own Paradise. Since God is the actual father of all the creatures his heart is filled up with worries, anger, tears. At that time he becomes desperate to have his child in his lap and that’s when a shocked father just through his numerous powers brings his child into his own Paradise. Basically, this is what “suicide” means. How dare people on the earth just comment, “What was the need to commit suicide” when they couldn’t do what was required to prevent such a dreadful situation. Don’t they feel ashamed of themselves when they ask this? Who has given the right to them to question a girl’s mind when they themselves couldn’t fulfil the expectations of that girl’s very own father, the God? I am not saying that “suicide” is something that every helpless girl commits. Some girls are there who just don’t kill themselves directly but try all possible indirect means of killing themselves in instalments. “Instalments” I know sounds funny but that’s what is the truth. Many traumatised girls can be seen smoking openly. They drink, drink and drink in discos. When asked some girls say, “Kya karein, boy friend se break up ho gaya”. They just come up with most shocking and irritating reasons. Honestly, it forces me to think that was the trauma of a break up with a boy friend when measured against the beautiful life which God has given them so large that they were once again forced to torture themselves in instalments by drinking and smoking. But that’s when a pitiful thought comes to my mind. I realize that the terrible affect which the trauma of breaking up with a boyfriend had in their lives, for them it had wiped out all the prettiness of their lives. Let me give you an example, an experience from my own life. Nishi* is a girl of tenth class studying in Vanasthali Public School*. She is just a mediocre girl but good in athletics. She had a boy friend some months ago. At first like all other girl friends she was very happy. But slowly as arguments started, there relationship took many twists and turns. Finally, it underwent a break up leaving Nishi* traumatised. “I was dieing with you for the past three months” was said by her boy friend to her which was the major cause of her break up. On the same day she was seen hiding and smoking. This ends the story. Seriously, these can be the words which end the lives of many other girls like Nishi*. By God’s grace this is not the case with her life. But yes, it is leading slowly to the same thing. So, this is the case with some girls which just wraps up the whole thing. Life is short. But the “to-do list” is really very long. Life is not elastic; it can’t be pulled to increase its size. So, what we as an ordinary person should do is to make most of our life and try to complete almost all tasks of our to-do list. But alas, just a small shock and the life is all over. (APRIL, 2013)

*” means names changed

What Life Seems Like To The Traumatised Girls???

God is someone whom we think that he can never do a mistake. It is not spiritual but a logical statement. As we concluded in the last excerpt that God is our actual father. Our parents are the Angels sent by God merely fulfilling the responsibilities that God has given them. How can God do anything bad for us when he is himself our father?

How can one question God on this issue? God can never be wrong in his deeds. We cannot question or blame our father when it comes to the beauty of our life. Can we? But life seems something different when it comes to those traumatised girls. Those sensitive little beauties have forgotten that life is not a curse, it is a gift. Our happiness is in our hands. Their happiness is not lost. Happiness is a plant originating directly from their heart. It is just that it has not been watered properly from some days and now it has dried up. Mark my words; it has dried up, not died. They just need to water it properly and once again flowers of happiness will bloom in their lives. They just need to understand that their life is not over and leave the rest on their father, the God. It is God who will provide new wind to their sails.  Everybody has his/her own opinion and life will become what you think it to be. It depends on your perspective; you take it as a beautiful dream or a nightmare. A glass half filled with water can be seen from two perspectives; what do you think your view will be? The glass is half filled or half empty. Rose bed seems so beautiful. Isn’t it? But maybe you have forgotten even that beautiful rose bears thorns on it. Lotus is national flower of India. But it grows in dirty ponds. Does this affect its superiority in any way? Moon, a symbol of calmness, becomes so symbolical when it comes to an auspicious occasion in the Hindu Mythology; Karva Chauth. Have you ever noticed that it has numerous dark patches on its surface? Even that moon is not smooth. See around yourself; observe the nature it will give you satisfying evidence that life is never smooth. Truth always hurts, but this truth will encourage you to go on with your life and never under estimate yourself. A realistic and a more believable example is of the ECG line. It has many ups and downs and they indicate that life is going on. When ECG becomes smooth, it indicates the end of life. 
Every cloud has a silver lining. This should be the perspective of all the girls in today’s 21st century. An undeterred spirit of growing continuously and a strong determination to prove themselves at every point of life should become the basis of their life. The toppers of your class or your school or maybe if you consider somebody to be the winner in his/her life  cannot set your standards; you have to create your own standards. God has created a twist in your life. Life is not what you can see. There is more in store for you. You just have to understand it and live it accordingly. Remember, you can turn over a new leaf every moment. (JUNE, 2015)


*” means names changed


I will start with what I ended in the last excerpt. Life can be anything that we think it to be; from a beautiful dream to a night mare. But what should our life seem like to us; a glass half-filled or half-empty? Unlike my previous excerpts, this one is going to be target-specific. Through this I target all those little sensitive beauties who have had a break up with a boy friend, have been suffering from a ‘trauma’ and lack love and support of their parents or God has made them sensitive or maybe they have been given ‘less strength’. So, here it goes...

Dear Little Sensitive Beauties from all over The World,

I personally pay a tribute to you for being so strong in all the undesirable life conditions you have faced and I am really filled with heartfelt gratitude for you for proving to all those ‘traumatised’ girls that anyone who tries to challenge their self-respect would be forced to face a bigger trauma in their happy-go-lucky life. Dear girls, I just want to tell you that life is not over yet. It has just begun. River has just started to flow. It has to go on. Every problem you face, finishes one chapter of your life and this signifies that you have successfully completed one chapter and moved on to the next. It is like promotion to the next level. Life contains numerous chapters. The key to become successful in completing these chapters is just ‘hope’ and ‘strength’; ‘hope’ to turn everything around for the positive even in the adverse situations and ‘strength’ to face the black clouds of life. But only one failure in completing a chapter and the book of ‘LIFE’ closes on its own. And that ‘failure’ is suicide or killing yourself in instalments. Come on, it is too much, girls killing themselves because of boys or mere traumas. Don’t you think it is a black mark on the self-respect of not only you and me but all the girls? Girls may be physically weak, but they are emotionally strong and you have to prove this. You people have to prove to the world that come what may,  you will lead the world. Your life should be an inspiration for all those depressed girls who in the dark corners of their rooms are lying full of tears lacking the much needed love, care and support of their parents. But for that you would have to make your life beautiful. You would have to move on.