Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Teacher- Our Second mother

Body and soul are like threads,
And God is the weaver.
He made human beings and added a lot of unique features,
But he wanted all his children to be achievers.
Since he couldn’t come,
He thought of sending us teachers.
Teacher is like a candle,
With whom our lives kindle.
Teacher is like a guide,
Who in the ups and downs of our life stands by our side.
Teacher is someone who after clearing the same doubt ten times,
Would be ready with a smile to clear that doubt the eleventh time.
Teacher is someone who can tolerate,
Even if in a class a child is always late.
For a child good teachers are the most important part,
Who can give one’s life a fresh new start.
I am blessed to have such a wonderful teacher,
Who gives shape to our future.

You May Live Forever If You Try

Avoiding death is difficult,
As this is what is called the cycle of life.
One mistake and you will cut your life,
Similar to what is done by a knife.

One good deed done by you,
Will increase the gap between your death and you.
No death doesn’t mean that you will not die,
But you will remain in people’s hearts even if you bid them a good bye.

So, this is what is meant by,
You may live forever if you try.
So, you should try and do good deeds,
And avoid doing bad deeds;

Because good deeds make people think about you high and high.



When people were made,
In God’s Paradise some rules were laid.
Somewhere in the rules a four-lettered word was seen,
And the angels were wondering what did it mean.
After a lot of research they came to know,
That love could be taking care of your foe.
When two hearts meet,
Or when from the bottom of your heart you extend someone a warm greet,
When someone’s in need,
And you try to become a friend indeed.
When missing someone makes you shed a tear,
And if it was the thing you used to do very rare,
If not meeting someone has now become too difficult to bear,
If now there’s someone special for whom you prayer,
Just understand that love is on air.
If roots are strong, tree would be strong,
It’s a fact that can never be proved wrong.
For love, trust and respect are the roots,
And if these are strong,

Every life can be blessed with love’s sweet fruits.